Sharing the Gospel of Christ through ANY MEANS NECESSARY 



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" I want to be Saved, but I dont know how... "

What is Salvation?

According to the Bible, Salvation is the acceptance of, belief in, and surrenderence to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Holy Bible.  The Gospel is best summed up in 1 Corinthians 15. If you don't own a Bible, it can easily be summed up in 3 points:

What is Sin?

In layman's terms, Sin is man's disobedience (rebellion) to God. Anything that does not honor, please, or line up with the Word of God (AKA: The Bible) is also defined as a sin. For example, if God says "don't," but I do it anyway, that's sin. Or if God says "Do," but I don't, that's sin. It's always important to emphasize that the reason sin is so dangerous is because obedience to God is the only way to find life at its best. Someone once said, "God wants to do for you what you would do for yourself if you were God and knew what was absolutely best for you." 

If you are looking for a starting place for more specific examples, we encourage you to go read the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20: 1-17. Consider these God's "Top Ten Rules to Christianity." Of course this is not everything that upsets God, but it is a good place to start!  

What is Repentance?

Have you ever had that little voice saying you shouldn't have done this or shoudn't have done that? When you feel bad for the actions you have done towards another, most of us go to the person we have offended and ask for forgineness.

As stated in the "What is Sin?" section above, we offend God when we act in a way that is displeasing towards Him. This requires us to ask God to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is Repentance.

Repentance in its truest form is not just asking God to forgive us, rather us turning away from that sin. They must go hand in hand. Repentance from the Heart should cause us to feel so uncomfortable about what we did that we do not want to commit that sin again.

What is Grace and Mercy?

There is an old saying that says "Grace is getting what you don't deserve, and Mercy is not getting what you do deserve"

For example, if you're a parent, there are times when your child will be cranky; yelling, screaming, causing scenes in public, etc. Let's say you decide to buy them an ice cream cone simply because you love them, instead of taking them home and punishing them.
Although your child did not deserve the ice cream, you bought it for them because you love them in spite of their recent actions. This is Grace. In the same aspect, you showed your child Mercy by choosing not to punish them. 

According to the Bible, we deserve Hell as punishment for our sins (Mercy). However, God sent His Son to take our place and accept the punishment on our behalf (Grace). Jesus took our place on the Cross, conquered Hell, and rose on the third day, so that we may experience eternal life with Him in Heaven. 


What is Faith?

There's an old, commonly used, analogy that says, "You don't know if a chair will hold you till you sit in it, but you choose to sit in it simply because you believe it will."


It's believing in something despite all reasonability. It's confidence or trust in someone or something, in this case Jesus. Although we were not there to see Him, we believe the Bible is true. As stated by Voddie Baucham, we believe the Bible is "... a reliable collection of historical documents..." As long as we have faith, we can have confidence in what we hope for, and assurance that God is still at work, even when we cannot see it.  

I'm ready to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior!

Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the BEST decision you could ever make. Life is full of uncertainties, always has been, always will be. However, knowing that we have a God above who loves us in spite of our failures is what gives us confidence and strength to move forward with our everyday lives.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no special prayer to salvation. It's realizing that we are sinners in need of a savior. It's realizing that we all deserve eternal death in hell, but also that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died a brutal death on a cross as the payment for our sins. It's confessing with our mouth that "Jesus is Lord" and believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Prayer is simply talking to, or conversing with, God, and therefore is an important aspect in the spiritual life of a Christian. Besides, any relationship must have communication to survive.  We encourage you to pray and talk to God in this moment. If you don't know how, feel free to follow the points below.  

What's next?

We are SO proud of this amazing decision you have made. Like we said above, life is full of uncertainties and difficulties, and will remain that way until the day we die. Personal problems will remain as well. But now, when those hard times, trials, and difficulties arise, you have the blessed assurance of Christ Jesus. Jesus is always with us and knowing we can always run to him in prayer is reassuring. Below are 3 things we highly encourage you to do moving forward.